
This book documents in letters, photos, and paintings a special friendship between two highly creative individuals who helped shape Chinese culture in the twentieth century — the revered traditional painter Huang Binhong (1865–1955) and the young, cosmopolitan critic and translator Fou Lei (1908–66). As one of China's oldest and most distinguished artists in the 1940s and 1950s, Huang Binhong was committed to artistic continuity and reinvigoration of brush-and-ink painting. Fou Lei was a child of the New Culture Movement which repudiated many literati traditions, but reached out to Huang Binhong to discuss the possibilities for contemporary Chinese art amid the tides of war and Communist dictates of socialist realism as the guiding priority for cultural workers. Both were cultural mediators and translators of ideas and cultural expressions. Both had deep appreciation of the common origins of calligraphy and painting, rendering complex feelings with brush and ink. Their intimate artistic conversations over more than a decade depict their alienation and uncertainty amid China's turbulent cultural politics.


Claire Roberts

Claire Roberts is research fellow in the School of Asian and Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, and senior curator at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney.

Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong是本不錯的藝術設計﹐網路首發率先推出了,因為商品有品牌、品質也顧得很好



好看的藝術設計Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong全書的內容大意

看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿,總會覺得彷彿一伸出雙手便能擁抱全世界

Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong總而言之,它的評價很高,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社

  • 出版日期:2010/07/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:香港大學出版社

  • 出版日期:2010/07/01
  • 語言:英文

This book documents in letters, photos, and paintings a special friendship between two highly creative individuals who helped shape Chinese culture in the twentieth century — the revered traditional painter Huang Binhong (1865–1955) and the young, cosmopolitan critic and translator Fou Lei (1908–66). As one of China's oldest and most distinguished artists in the 1940s and 1950s, Huang Binhong was committed to artistic continuity and reinvigoration of brush-and-ink painting. Fou Lei was a child of the New Culture Movement which repudiated many literati traditions, but reached out to Huang Binhong to discuss the possibilities for contemporary Chinese art amid the tides of war and Communist dictates of socialist realism as the guiding priority for cultural workers. Both were cultural mediators and translators of ideas and cultural expressions. Both had deep appreciation of the common origins of calligraphy and painting, rendering complex feelings with brush and ink. Their intimate artistic conversations over more than a decade depict their alienation and uncertainty amid China's turbulent cultural politics.


Claire Roberts

Claire Roberts is research fellow in the School of Asian and Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, and senior curator at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney.

Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong


Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong特價搶購,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong強檔限時,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong分享購買,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong特惠價分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong超值獨家,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong評鑑開箱,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路買到,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong限量秒殺,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong經典限量,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong指定極品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong人氣好評,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong人氣單品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong獨家款,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong熱銷,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong省荷包,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong新品主打,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong好物折扣,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong極品商品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong限時極品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong破盤好物,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong限時特賣,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong推廌強打,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong熱搜產品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong當紅分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路書店心得分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路書店推薦 ,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路書店,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路書局,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong書店,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong網路書店歡迎您,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhonge coupon,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong心得分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong推薦,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong開箱文,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong那裡買,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong最便宜,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong特賣會,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong排行榜,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong評價,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong評比,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong使用心得,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong心得,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong價格,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong比較,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong好用嗎,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong部落客,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong買東西,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong購物網,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong熱門商品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong賺到買到,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong特惠價心得,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong破盤獨家,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong好物狂銷,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong熱賣好物,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong秒殺出清,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong限量出售,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong熱銷優惠,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong主打商品,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong每日主打,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong好康每日,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong隱藏版,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong本月獨享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong會員獨享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong指定好物,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong年中慶,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong年終慶,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong嚴選情報,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong瘋狂驚喜,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong驚喜分享,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong好禮必備,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong追加好評,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong獨家款話題,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong流行趨勢,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong指名首選,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong最新潮流,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong賣家強檔,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong成本價,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong新款,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong當紅,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong必買當紅,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong口碑必買,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong購物網口碑,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong省錢買東西,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong非逛不可,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong非買不可,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong超便宜,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong更便宜,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang BinhongCP值爆錶,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang BinhongCP值超高,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong高CP值,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong僅此一檔,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong比較使用,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong線上優惠,博客來 Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong哈燒新品,博客來 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Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong
那裡買,Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong價格,Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong特賣會,Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong評比,Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong部落客 推薦




b 現代西方社交手冊 Modern Etiquette



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Note 5來了 8/13全球發表

(中央社記者江明晏台北29日電)三星正式對海內外媒體發出邀請函,確定8月13日於美國紐約舉行全球發表會,預料將端出年度大螢幕旗艦機Note 5以及GALAXYS6 edge plus亮相,台灣也可望在8月底前開賣。

搶在蘋果推出iPhone 6S前的空窗期,市場先前已傳出三星Galaxy Note 5將提前在8月發表,另一款旗艦新機S6 edge Plus可望同步亮相,並火速於8月開賣。

目前最新消息已確定,三星正式對海內外媒體發出邀請函,確定將於8月13日上午11時在美國紐約林肯中心舉行「SAMSUNG GALAXY Unpacked 2015」全球發表會,一般預料,三星將在這次發表會端出年度大螢幕旗艦機Note 5以及GALAXY S6 edge plus亮相。

台灣方面,三星已確定在全球發表會同時向台灣媒體即時轉播,並在8月15日在台北三創舉行記者會,由於三星先前已有一款代號「 SM-N9208」的手持式行動電話通過台灣國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)型式認證,市場猜測這款手機就是Note 5,台灣可望成為首賣地區,搶在iPhone 6S亮相前,在8月底前開賣,搶占先機。1040729


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Friendship in Art:Fou Lei and Huang Binhong



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